Post - Gradued School

To me the post graduate study is very important, because I don’t want to stop learning ever, I wish that I could finish studding, to start studding more, so I must choose very well what will be the subject that I`ll develop myself. Now, I’m studding chemist, and I love it because it resolves many doubts and stuff. But it is really difficult to me choose an area to keep learning, because I want to know all from all the possible areas.

 But if are something that I must pick, at the moment I will study quantum mechanics, is the chemist applied to the tiniest stuff, there everything lost the sense and the logical patterns, is like seeing magic front of your eyes. To study this area from the chemist you must go abroad, that’s why to me is very important leave Chile, in my case I’d like to go to UK or even Germany, where this area is better study this and get jobs, etc. As I said before, I’d like to learn lots of things in different areas, so to make this possible, I have thought to learn traditionally the quantum mechanics, while I keep learning in other areas in some part time courses or by internet, I don’t know exactly, but I have the enthusiasm and the abilities, soy I think that nothing will stop me.


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