The time passed very fast, in a moment I’m playing whit toys and stuff, and in the other, I am choosing a carrier a choosing a job, it could be stressful. I think that I am no prepared for this question, is a really difficult one, because, to me, is hard to imagine myself working like in a traditional job, is not something I would like. 

When I was a kid, I wish to be an astronaut, then I change my mind and start focus in the medical labor, to then fall in love with the chemistry and start studying the chemistry major, but enjoy learning chemistry doesn’t mean that I wish to work in a laboratory or handle specifics machines. If somebody asks me for what kind of job I would like, I use to answer something like a teacher of chemistry or physics. 

But at the moment, I just like to work in anything that makes me a kind of sustainability and make me continue with my studies, and keeping learning a lot, it also must have me some time to myself, to let me practice the sports I do, or do my favourites hobbies. In the travel ambit, I prefer to stay in a place, rather than travelling a lot, the salary is not a really important thing to me, I have not many luxury and stuff. 


  1. Its really crazy how you got to choose Chemistry as your major, interesting!!!

  2. wuoh ! I think you could be a great teacher !

  3. I'm very agree with you about of trying to do more things than just being on lab... i believe that when we finish our careers, we will be able to do wherever we want, even if that means working on lab or do something else with our knowledge like work with the gouverment or being a teacher like you said...


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