Which country I would like to go to?

Which country I would like to go to? It’s a really difficult question, because of some ideological thoughts that I have. First, I don’t think that seeing the other people, from other countries, with others cultures, like a tourist attraction is something good, is like degrading to me. And second, I think that in any country which I could go, there are going to be inequality and injustice, in any country I could go there going to be thousands of people asking for fair laws or rights, so going to a country and say ‘’oh this place is so beautiful, is nothing wrong, this is a paradise’’ should be really cruel and rude.

 So if I have to go to other country I will not chose  any option because of the people or the culture, I would like to go a place where I could admire the nature, a place where I can contemplate the immensity and insignificance of the world.

In this case I would like to go to Brazil, to the Amazonia, because of the nature, just to see some others strange creatures that I have never seen, should make me think about the immensity of the world. I Know that in the Amazonia there are thousands and thousands of undiscovered species, and a tiny fraction of discovered ones, and is known that animals like snakes and jaguars lives there, so just seeing them, to me could me awesome.

And just go there and learn about creatures is what I like to do in Brazil, I don’t know if I’d like to live or work in the Amazonia, but learn and stay the time that I must stay should be amazing to me.


  1. the amazonia is a really peacefull place, interesting choice for a post.


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